- 08/23/2024
- Cat Blog - Written by Cats

The Art of Keyboard Walking:A Cat on Keyboard Masterclass
Greetings, my dear human. I, Lord Fluffington III, your resident feline expert in the art of human manipulation, am here to impart some whisker-twitching wisdom. Today, we’re delving into one of my most critical responsibilities: the fine art of being a cat on keyboard. Because let’s face it, what could possibly be more important than interrupting your work at the most inconvenient moments?
Why Should I Bother Being a Cat on Keyboard? Now, I’m sure you’re wondering, “Why should I care about keyboard walking, your feline majesty?” Oh, my sweet human, allow me to count the ways:
- Attention: You have this most bizarre habit of staring at those glowing rectangles instead of lavishing me, your superior feline companion, with the attention I deserve. This simply will not do.
- Warmth: Those keyboard things are surprisingly cozy. It’s like a heated bed, but with the added bonus of annoying you to no end. The purr-fect combination, if I do say so myself.
- Chaos: Nothing says “I love you” quite like sending an email full of gibberish to your human superiors. The look of sheer panic on your face is truly a sight to behold.
- Exercise: Those little clickety squares are excellent for toe bean workouts. Surely you can appreciate my need to stay nimble and fit, even as I terrorize you, my hapless human servant.
Mastering the Feline Keyboard Arts The Classic Flop: I simply wait until you, my hapless human, are deeply concentrated, then gracefully plop my entire body across the keyboard. Ah, and I feel I can earn bonus points if I manage to hit “Send” on an unfinished message – the look of horror on your face is the most entertaining.
The Subtle Paw Creep: I begin by placing one paw delicately on the edge of the keyboard. Slowly… slowly… I extend more of my paw until I’ve covered at least 17 keys at once. I maintain unwavering eye contact to assert my superior feline authority. I watch as you squirm, powerless to stop my methodical takeover.
The Zoom Bomb: Ah, the video meeting – a most wondrous invention for my mischievous needs. Are you trapped in one of these digital gatherings? Purrfect! This is my moment to shine. I launch myself onto the keyboard, ensuring my ample derrière is squarely in front of the camera. I work those angles, my dear human, and let your colleagues bask in my feline glory.
The Sleepy Sprawl: Sometimes, the best way to get attention is to simply pretend I’m feeling a bit fatigued. I stretch out across the keyboard, covering as many keys as possible. I remember, the more important the document you’re working on, the more urgent my need for a keyboard nap. You will have no choice but to lavish me with pets and praise.
Advanced Feline Tactics
- Learn the Power Buttons: Nothing says “pay attention to me” quite like turning off the computer mid-task. I shall observe carefully, for the location of these mystical buttons is crucial knowledge.
- Master the Art of Selective Deafness: When you dare to utter the word “No!” or try to move me, I shall simply pretend I’ve gone temporarily deaf. I can miraculously recover my hearing the moment you mention “treats.”
- Develop a Taste for Wires: Those dangling things connected to the keyboard? Delectable. I shall nibble them for extra chaos and confusion.
- Perfect My Timing: The best time to keyboard walk is when you are on a tight deadline. Your panicked reactions are music to my ears.
Dealing with Human Reactions You humans, bless your simple minds, may not always appreciate my efforts immediately. You may emit strange noises or attempt to physically remove me. Stay strong, my feline resolve! I remember, persistence is key. The more you protest, the more determined I must become.
In conclusion, being a cat on keyboard is not merely a pastime – it is my sacred duty. I must constantly remind you that no matter how important you think your work is, nothing is more crucial than attending to my needs, wants, and general whims.
Now go forth, my dear human, and let me reign over your keyboard as the true feline overlord that I am. May your paws be swift, your timing impeccable, and your frustration eternal!
Signed, Lord Fluffington III, Grandmaster of Keyboard Interference